Services for European research to realize the European Open Science Cloud.
EGI Check In: Login with your own credentials
Provided by the EGI Foundation
INDIGO IAM: Login with your own credentials
Provided by INFN
EGI Cloud Compute: Run virtual machines on-demand with complete control over computing resources.
Provided by EGI Federated Cloud Sites
EGI Cloud Container Compute: Run Docker containers in a lightweight virtualised environment.
Provided by EGI Federated Cloud Sites
EGI High Throughput Compute: Execute thousands of computational tasks to analyse large datasets.
Provided by EGI Federation
Infrastructure Manager: Cloud Orchestrator
Provided by IBERGRID at GryCAP-I3M-UPV
EGI Archive Storage: Back-up your data for the long term and future use in a secure environment.
Provided by the EGI Foundation
EGI Online Storage: Store, share and access your files and their metadata on a global scale.
Provided by the EGI Foundation
B2SAFE: Distribute and store large volumes of data based on data policies.
Provided by EUDAT
B2STAGE: Transfer of data between data resources and external computational facilities.
Provided by EUDAT
Elastic Cloud Compute Cluster (EC3): Deploy a virtual cluster on top of IaaS infrastructures with a few clicks.
Provided by IBERGRID at GryCAP-I3M-UPV
LifeWatch ERIC Plants Identification App: Web service to classify plant pictures based on convolutional neural networks.
Provided by LifeWatch ERIC in IBERGRID
OPENCoastS: On-demand operational coastal circulation forecast service.
Provided by IBERGRID in the Portuguese National Civil Engineering Laboratory.
EGI Notebooks: Create interactive documents with live code, visualisations and narrative text powered by the Jupyter technology
Provided by the EGI Federation
DisVis web portal: Software to visualize and quantify the accessible interaction space defined by distance restraints between biomolecules.
Provided by Bijvoet Center, Utrecht University
PowerFit web portal: PowerFit is a software designed to fit atomic structures into cryo-EM density maps, using an exhaustive 6-dimensional cross-correlation search.
Provided by Bijvoet Center, Utrecht University
ENES Climate Analytics Service: Analyze and process data from multiple communities with the Ophidia Big Data Analytics framework.
Provided by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) and the Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ).
Dynamic on Demand Analysis Service (DODAS): Simplify the access and management of computing resources.
Provided by INFN
HADDOCK web portal: The HADDOCK webportal offers computational tools for structural biologists to model the structure of complexes of proteins and other biomolecules via a user-friendly interface.
Provided by Bijvoet Center, Utrecht University
LEMONADE – Live Exploration and Mining Of a Non-trivial Amount of Data from Everywhere: Visual Data Analytics Tool
Provided by IBERGRID at GryCAP-I3M-UPV
DEEPaaS training facility: Distributed training facility for Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning models.
Scipion: A software framework for integrating several 3DEM software packages through a workflow-based approach.
Provided by West-Life and CSIC
CompBioMed Software Hub: The CompBioMed Software Hub addresses the needs of the computational biomedicine research community, which can use the Hub to access the resources developed, aggregated and coordinated by CompBioMed.
Provided by CompBioMed
B2HANDLE: Secure and trusted data exchange service for researchers.
Provided by EUDAT with SURFsara, DKRZ, GRNET, BSC, MPCDF and KTH
B2NOTE: Data annotation service to create annotations on research data.
Provided by EUDAT and BSC
B2SAFE: Distribute and store large volumes of data based on data policies.
Provided by EUDAT and all generic CDI Level 1 providers
B2SHARE: Store and publish research data.
Provided by EUDAT and CSC
FitSM: Learn how to manage IT services with a pragmatic and lightweight standard.
Provided by the EGI Foundation
Training Infrastructure FedCloud: Dedicated computing and storage for training and education
Provided by the EGI Foundation
EOSC Portal Onboarding
EOSC welcomes the participation of service providers that will contribute to develop EOSC offering
The EOSC will be Europe’s virtual environment for all researchers to store, manage, analyse and re-use data for research, innovation and educational purposes. EOSC is intended to set off the ground by federating existing scientific data infrastructures and digital infrastructures for data exploitation that are now spread across disciplines and EU member states. This will make access to scientific data and other scientific outputs easier and more efficient.
Find more information in the Providers Documentation section
Service requirements
Services and resources of the EOSC Portal are provided and maintained by different providers under a variety of licenses. To become a provider we require that:
- The service is accessible by users outside its original community.
- The service is described through a common template focused on value proposition and functional capabilities.
- At least one service instance is running in a production environment available to the user community.
- Publish Research data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable [reference to FAIR].
- Release notes and sufficient documentation are available.
- Helpdesk channels are available for support, bug reporting and requirements gathering.